Summit Fire & EMS strives to deal professionally and effectively with emergencies and hazards to life and property with a commitment to excellence and in the best interest of all citizens and guests of our communities.
Summit Fire & EMS offers the community the following services: |
Support for community events |
Emergency medical response |
Fire-extinguisher training |
Fire response and investigation |
Fire-safety inspections |
First-aid training |
Hazardous-materials mitigation |
New construction plan reviews |
Rescue response |
Safety education |
Wildland firefighting |
Special Districts like Summit Fire & EMS are funded primarily by property taxes and fees. SFE is committed to providing the best emergency-response coverage to the area at the least cost and greatest efficiency to taxpayers.

Preventive Services
As well as responding to more than 2,200 emergency calls annually, Summit Fire & EMS provides preventive services such as fire safety training, education and enforcement, code inspections of commercial properties, technical plan reviews, wildfire defensible-space inspections and fire- and environmental-safety education. Summit Fire also collaborates with other agencies at federal, state and local levels. An excellent example of this is the partnership with the Summit Fire Authority, which oversees the Summit County Hazardous Materials Team and the High Country Training Center and is operated jointly by SFE and the neighboring Red, White & Blue Fire Protection District based in Breckenridge. Through the High Country Training Center, located in Frisco, SFE is committed to continuous improvement through high-quality education and training.
Summit County continues to grow and attract more full-time residents as well as guests. SFE also is seeing annual increases in the number of vehicles, including those transporting hazardous materials, traveling along the Interstate 70 corridor. With this growth come increasing demands on the fire department. To keep up with emergency-response demands, Summit Fire & EMS is constantly striving to find more efficient ways of allocating resources. SFE is in planning to determine future facility locations.